Climate Science on Tap presents: Dialing Back Climate Change with Carbon Farming & Blockchain
Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 7pm
Aggressive action on climate change requires reducing carbon emissions while increasing carbon sequestration, and we won’t be successful without technology, creativity and innovation! The next enthralling episode in the Climate Science on Tap series highlights these cutting-edge efforts. Our panelists will discuss techniques for locking carbon up in soils, the development of a new marketplace for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and the surprising role of blockchain (the technology behind cryptocurrency) in the process. Come for the thought-provoking presentation and Q&A, stay for the delicious beer and inspiring conversation. You won’t leave disappointed!
Doors Open at 6:00pm to ticket holders. General admission (free) seats will be released at 6:45 and Supporter ($10) seats will be held until at least 7:00 pm when the program begins.
Confirmed panelists:
Elizabeth Wheat, PhD, Program on the Environment, UW,* and Skyroot Farms.
Chris Spanton, MS Informatics, Senior Architect - Blockchain, T-Mobile*
Paul Gambill, BSci in Engineering, Masters of Engineering Management, CEO, Nori
Moderator: P. Sean McDonald, PhD, Program on the Environment, and SAFS, University of Washington*
Sponsored by: Cascadia Climate Action - Do One Thing!
*Note: All presenters at Climate Science on Tap events, unless otherwise indicated, are participating in their individual and personal capacity, and do not represent the institutions with which they may be associated. Their willingness to donate their time and expertise with the community at these events is enormously generous and greatly appreciated.
Cascadia Climate Action does not take a position on the views expressed or information provided by the panelists or others attending these events. We seek to inform and promote discussion of these important topics so that individuals can reach their own, hopefully well-founded, positions and take appropriate action in support of reversing climate change.